Understanding Softwood Lumber Grading

Jan 21, 2025

Softwood Lumber, such as Douglas Fir, Pine, Western Red Cedar, and Hemlock, is often used in both elevated interior applications and demanding exterior environments. Clear and beautiful boards are found in fine woodworking and durable, structural boards are utilized in construction applications like framing. The Softwood Lumber grading system creates a standardized measure of quality, appearance, and performance in all grades of Softwood Lumber as outlined by American Softwoods

Upper Canada and Sierra Forest products have a primary focus on supporting customers with interior application & non-structural materials. This type of product is characterized within the American Softwoods Finish & Board Grades:

  • C & Better & 85/15
    1. Intended for interior applications demanding the finest quality. Recommended for interior trim, cabinet work, or architectural millwork where a refined appearance is desired. Virtually Clear, available in Mixed Grain (MG) & Vertical Grain (VG) cuts. 
    2. Douglas Fir, Hemlock, Western Red Cedar and Pine availability. 
  • D grade
    1. Exhibits fine appearance, with slightly less restrictive characteristic requirements. D Graded material generally applies to Douglas Fir & Hemlock species. Available in Mixed Grain (MG) & Vertical Grain (VG) cuts
  • #1 & #2 Common
    1. A common Pine grade, recommended for architectural millwork when trying to achieve a fine appearance in a knotty material. Includes all sound, tight-knotted stock, with the size and character of knots as the determining factor in grade. 

Mixed Grain

Mixed Grain Softwood is produced by cutting parallel to the growth rings, creating lumber boards with a mix of vertical and cathedral grain patterns. It is the most economical and sustainable cut for Softwoods as it utilizes more of the log and minimizes waste. Mixed Grain appears as organic and natural, with a swirling and unique woodgrain. This type of lumber is found in paneling and flooring, and it is often used in structural applications. Mixed Grain Softwood is found among Hemlock, Fir, and Cedar species.  

Vertical Grain

Often found in Douglas Fir, Hemlock, and Western Red Cedar, Vertical Grain Softwood is strong and versatile. It is Softwood Lumber cut by the same methods of rift or quarter sawn creating a linear woodgrain appearance on the face of the board. These boards are exceptionally dimensionally stable and lend a beautiful straight grain and uniform color to any application.  

Source: American Softwoods

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